Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tissue expanders and fills

OK, so part of my surgery was having tissue expanders placed behind the pectoral muscles so that eventually implants would go there.  If they were just put into an empty chest cavity, they would fall to the ground.  So, after the drains came out, I visited my PS weekly for fills.  She injected 60 cc's of saline into each expander using a magnet finder.  I had zero sensation in the skin so I never felt the needle go it, but it was a huge needle.  The fills felt bizarre, like liquid floating around.  Immediately after each fill it felt like I had done some serious chest muscle workouts.  Ibuprofen was my best friend.  The soreness typically lasted 2 days or so and for some reason always made me feel very tired. I went in weekly from the end of September until the end of December.  We filled them to 660 cc's each.  I brought in an old bra for the last couple of appointments so we could make sure the size worked for me.  During one of the last appointments we had to choose the exact type of implant I would get so she could order it.  That was interesting.  My husband came and she taught us all about the different types: saline vs silcone, round vs pear shaped, etc.  I went home and read more and made my decision.  Surgery date was set for Jan. 9, 2015.

About the expanders, each week my "breasts" got noticeably larger but were extremely hard.  I described it as having two bocci balls inside of my chest.  As you can imagine, that was very uncomfortable.  Sleeping was difficult.  But I knew it was temporary, so I could handle it.

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