Thursday, February 5, 2015

exchange surgery day

Yay.  I woke up on Feb. 4th at 6am excited !!!  I felt fine, even though I somehow pulled a back muscle a few days prior.  But even that felt fine.  I showered and got dressed and Paul and I drove the girls to school.  We arrived at the hospital at 8am promptly.  This hospital was much smaller and quieter, which was nice.  The staff was lovely and they helped us and brought us where we needed to go. We were taken into a room where the nurses took my vitals and put the IV in.  My temperature was a perfect 98.6.  Oh, by the way, I threw out the CVS thermometer that told me I did NOT have a fever in January.

So, we waited in the room for about 45 minutes.  They had a tv so we watched the news.  I was surprisingly calm.  At some point it did hit me that there are people who don't come out of surgery so I told Paul that if I die, any info he will need is on my phone somewhere.  Haha.  If you know me at all, that makes sense to you.

Well anyway, I was told the surgery was scheduled for 10am so at 9am I was taken to the OR floor and Paul had to leave and get a beeper and wait in the waiting area.  It again was pretty quiet there. But I didn't have my phone or a tv so I was stuck in my own head.  I was starting to get a little nervous when suddenly anaesthesia came.  Like 3 of them.  They kept asking all the same questions, which made me laugh.  Everyone was so nice though.  And then finally my PS came in.  I really like her.  She marked my chest up and we talked about how sick I was, etc.  Then they told me they were giving me some happy juice for my ride into the OR room. It made for a fun ride.  I remember looking around the hallway.  We arrived at the OR and there were lots of new people in there.  They all introduced themselves but I don't remember much.  I was moved onto a very small operating table and I'm not sure if I said it outloud or not, but I was wondering what they do with a larger person because the table was so narrow.  Anyway, that was the last thought I recall.

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