I really tried not to think about it all and I did a pretty good job of that. Surgery was set for 10am on a Friday, so I worked through Thursday and attended a community meeting that evening so my mind was occupied.
Got to the hospital and I know my father was with me. The receptionist checking people in was someone I knew. She said she never works there but they needed someone to fill in. Anyway, seeing a familiar face relaxed me. Filled out tons of paperwork and then they took me into the pre-op bay. Paul had to stay in the waiting room for a while which I didn't like. Anyway, my favorite numbers have always been 8 and 18. I was put into bay 18. I took that as a sign. Both surgeons came in to talk to me as well as a wonderful nurse. Paul came in while we were with Dr. Kennedy and so we talked for quite some time. Then the anesthesiologist came in and gave me a valium like medicine which relaxed me. Thank goodness because I was starting to want to just leave and forget the whole thing. Then they wheeled me away and I said goodbye to Paul. I remember laying in the OR looking around at all of the lights and machines and wondering where the doctors all were. Next thing I knew I heard a woman's voice calling my name. I was in recovery in bay #8. Crazy!!! She said everything went well and they brought me to my room. Paul came in. It was only 1pm. Everything went faster than we thought.
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