Friday, October 24, 2014

First blog ever part II

So, in addition to the ovary removal, I also had to go every 6 months to have either a mammogram or a breast MRI.  Mammos are not an issue for me...they aren't uncomfortable, etc.  But I hated the MRI's.  They are long and boring and just overall not fun at all.  I decided I would do this until I couldn't take it anymore and then I would have a mastectomy.  I also wanted to lose 20 lbs.  So this went on for about 3 years.  All the tests always came back fine.

In Nov. 2013 my world changed.  My father was diagnosed with colon cancer that spread to his liver.  He began treatment and was scheduled for surgery over the summer.  Again, a different blog for that.  But it brought the topic of my mastectomy back up again.  He passed away that September.  

My ob/gyn contacted me to see how I was doing with the genetic issue.  A good friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and then my mammogram showed something they wanted to look at more closely.  It turned out to be nothing, but it was like someone was trying to tell me something, maybe my dad !!!  So, I went in for my annual exam and told my NP that I wanted to go ahead with it.  She gave me the names of surgeons and then I contacted a woman in my school district who had the same surgeries and she used those same surgeons.  This person has been incredibly helpful to me throughout this adventure.  

Next blog will be all about the surgery, pre, during and post.

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